By Jeremy Bank
View My Sumie Painting Portfolio
I am Jeremy Bank. I am a Sumie artist, calligrapher and jewelry maker. This picture is a painting of two birds by Jeremy Bank with my chop.
Artist Bio
I consider myself a very interesting person. I have many interests and talents. I can play the flute. I enjoy the piano, and I am a very good skier. I am always willing to try a new blue or black run on the mountain. I am very proud that I am learning Korean calligraphy, and I am learning new characters like love, dream, and hope. I have sold some of my Korean brush paintings, including A Sumie Koi in a Pond Watercolor. Also, I have sold my Chinese brush painting, Hummingbird and Sumie Maple Kingfisher. I love making jewelry, and I have been making earrings and necklaces since I was in sixth grade. I enjoy learning about the cuts of stones and all the different places stone comes from. I have sold my jewelry many times before, too. I hope you enjoy my art.
I would like to thank my instructor, Kathy Barker - Master Sumie Painter, for her assistance in teaching me.
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